Remote Application Server (RAS) Cluster
Utilizing VMware, Windows server and Parallels RAS software we've added a new research cluster. This cluster utilizes virtualized GUI statistical software like: R, Matlab and SAS to do research. All running jobs are load balanced over the entire cluster giving your jobs peak performance. You can easily start a job on your office computer then disconnect leave and at anytime reconnect to the existing running job from either another computer, laptop, tablet or even from your phone. Running these applications requires specialized accounts on the cluster, to request one for yourself please click HERE. To request access for a group please have each member of the group make an individual request and put in the project title field, your group project name.
RAS Client Software:
Make sure to download the RAS client software for either Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, Chrome or Windows Phone. This is required to optimize your virtualized application performance.
Compute Software on RAS Cluster:
The following programs are on the RAS cluster and available by request for yourself or your team to use. Any research software you need or additional software extensions or packages that you need installed please place the request by clicking HERE.
1) Matlab R2017b and Matlab R2018a
2) SAS 9.4
3) R-3.5.0
4) RStudio - 1.2.1335
5) Office Suite 2016
6) Anaconda3 2019.03 (Python 3.7)
7) MinGW (Compilers for Windows)